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Code Assessment

Use our integrated online IDE in your coding classroom!

Using CodeGrade's integrated online IDE has many benefits on students learning to code, from K-12 students to non-CS university students. Start using our editor with powerful code running (REPL) and autograding functionality now!

We just launched our new Autograder!

CodeGrade is launching its new autograder: AutoTest V2. This total redesign was inspired by teacher feedback, with the goal of making autograding even more powerful and intuitive. Watch the summary of our live launch event now!

We just launched our new Autograder!

The next step in autograding code

CodeGrade is launching its best and most effective autograder for code: AutoTest V2. Learn more about the pedagogical benefits for students and workload decrease for CS education teachers in this blog!

The next step in autograding code

How to adopt automatic grading in your coding course

Autograding is becoming more and more important in coding courses. In this article we discuss how to successfully adopt autograding in your computer science classroom.

5 reasons to use CodeGrade in your high school coding classroom

Coding education is growing, especially in high schools. Find out how CodeGrade can support K12 students.

Teaching Intro to Python with CodeGrade

The CodeGrade Introduction to Python course is an 8-week basic Python course. Students are not required to have any prior knowledge on programming or Python. This course will cover the basic concepts of programming up to Python specific modules and OOP design. It is available for all instructors now.

Webinar: Autograding Code Structure using Semgrep

Learn how to automatically grade code structure using CodeGrade and Semgrep in this webinar. Next to the basics, we will also go over three examples step by step.

Automatically grading Python assignments that use random variables in CodeGrade

Discover how to grade Python programming assignments that use random integers automatically

Using NBGrader for Python Jupyter notebooks in CodeGrade

Learn how to autograde Python Jupyter Notebooks using the NBGrader tool in CodeGrade to give your students instant feedback.

Friendly: Better error messages for Python

Regular Python error messages can be discouraging for students learning to code. Learn how you can set up CodeGrade's autograder to give students more easy to understand error messages for your Python course.

Learn more about CodeGrade!

Schedule a personalized tour of CodeGrade today.