
Updates and improvements to CodeGrade.
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September 12, 2017

Version 0.10.0 (Columbus)

  • Make it possible for a user to reset its password
  • Allow to change font size and store it in vuex
  • Add a whitespace toggle button and language dropdown to the code viewer
  • Make it possible to disable incremental rubric submission
  • Add new course and assignment
  • Add global permission managing system
  • Other improvements

  • Fix jumping text when toggling directories in the file tree
  • Fix unicode errors while creating files.
  • Make rubric deletion also not save directly when incremental rubric submission is off
  • Fix various filesystem api bugs
  • Fix file-links in the code viewer
  • Fix undefined error on submission page
  • Fix a bug where files would be left open after submitting archive
  • Remove item description popover
  • Make sure global permissions are checked in the front- and back-end
  • Fix issue where error would disappear immediately after submitting with the keyboard
  • Packages Updates:

    • Upgrade bootstrap-vue

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