
Updates and improvements to CodeGrade.
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April 24, 2018

Version 0.23.5 (GodfriedMetDenBaard)

  • Update readme and add new sections to it
  • Add linters feature
  • Add fixed max points feature
  • Use pylint instead of pyflake for linting
  • Make pytest run with multiple threads locally
  • Revamp entire frontend design
  • Make sure docs are published at
  • Other improvements

  • Make sure upload dialog is visible after deadline
  • Fix assignment state component
  • Make sure no persisted storage is used if it is not available
  • Fix the submission navbar navigation
  • Rename stupid to student in test data
  • Reduce the default permissions for the TA role
  • Fix bug with changing language after changing file
  • Fix thread safety problems caused by global objects
  • Fix problems with ignoring directories
  • Fix race condition in grade passback
  • Fix not catching errors caused by invalid files
  • Fix error when submitting for an LTI assignment without sourcedid
  • See how CodeGrade can transform your courses today!