
Updates and improvements to CodeGrade.
View all changes

September 4, 2017

Version 0.3.2 (Belhamel)

  • Add delete submission feature
  • Add privacy notes
  • Update rubric selector and creator front end
  • Make it possible to upload files by dragging and dropping
  • Make it possible to disable automatic LTI role creation
  • Add codecov as coverage reporter
  • Change submission assignee from submissions list
  • Add documentation for how to run
  • Add grade history
  • Sort rubric items in the rubric viewer
  • Improve site navigation
  • Make it possible to delete a grade
  • Make it possible to submit non integer grades
  • Autofocus username field on login page
  • Allow to update name and deadline of an assignment separately
  • Make it possible again to grade work
  • Make duplicate emails possible
  • Other improvements

  • Fix all missing or wrong quickrefs on api calls
  • Fix stat api route
  • Fix graders list of an assignment being loaded without correct permissions
  • Fix bug where only the second LTI launch would work
  • Fix front-end feature usage
  • Clear vuex cache on Ctrl+F5
  • Fix timezone issues on a LTI launch with deadline info
  • Make sure all test files are directories
  • Fix course link on assignment page
  • Fix downloading files from server
  • Fix unknown LTI roles
  • Fix undefined issues in LTI environments
  • Add test-generated files to gitignore
  • Fix seed_data and test_data paths
  • Create update api
  • Rewrite submission page
  • Fix bugs introduced by postgres
  • Add links to them fine shields
  • Package Updates

    • Remove pdfobject and pdf.js dependencies
    • Move bootstrap-vue dependency to own org
    • Add npm-shrinkwrap.json and delete yarn.lock
    • Change to JWT tokens

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