
Updates and improvements to CodeGrade.
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August 28, 2019

Version 1.10.3 (JungleJoy.2)

It is now significantly more efficient to run AutoTest or Continuous Feedback by a big improvement in our back-end. Additionally, our latest update adds further improvements to CodeGrade and fixes several minor and rare bugs.

  • Use multiple runners: make AutoTest or Continuous Feedback more efficient by allowing multiple runners to work on one run.
  • Only show latest submissions by default: make loading of submission(s) pages more efficient by only loading latest submissions by default, which especially is a problem with continuous feedback which can cause high amounts of attempts per student. Additionally adds an improved dropdown to switch between submissions of one student.
  • Other improvements

  • Improve popovers for locked rubric rows:
  • improves presentation of rubrics on more pages and adds popover to the whole rubric instead of only the lock icon.
  • Increase indentation of files in the file tree.
  • Improve scrolling to match near end in plagiarism detail: make it possible to align plagiarism matches even if one is near the bottom of the file.
  • Remove confirmation to delete feedback when FeedbackArea is empty: make it quicker to remove empty inline comments by removing confirmation dialog.
  • Use a tail of output use for custom output matching: capture points tests have a cap on the output of the command. Now the points are always captured from the tail of this output.
  • Minor AutoTest setup script improvements: make Continuous Feedback setup script output visible to students and improve the setup scripts popover texts.
  • Move Jplag languages to the config: adding new languages to our plagiarism detection is easier now, as it does now not need modifications in the CodeGrade source code.
  • Add pagination to the AutoTest run overview: if there are too many results for an AutoTest run the results will be paginated, which decreases loading time and makes the page responsive.
  • Fix general feedback overflow:
  • fixes the bug where too long general feedback causes an overflow.
  • Fix race condition when starting an AutoTest run:
  • fixes the UI glitch that continuously reloads the student list.
  • Fix infinitely reloading a Continuous Feedback AutoTestRun.
  • Fix selecting text in the InnerCodeViewer.
  • Fix issue with inline feedback in exported CSV.
  • Return IO substep name and weight when no permission to view details: still display names of substeps of IO tests if these are hidden. Details do not show.
  • Make sure waiting on pid only starts after command is started.
  • Fix “Stop CF” button not working sometimes: fixes a very rare bug which would break the “Stop CF” or “Delete Run” buttons.
  • Clear store rubrics in the RubricEditor when they change: fixes the bug that required a refresh before a new rubric would show up on the submission page.
  • Use correct URL in group management component.
  • Lots of bugfixes and minor improvements: this fixes numerous small bugs, including:
  • Download files without posting them to the server first
  • Do the doc build in the unit build on Travis
  • Round number of decimals in AutoTest result modal header
  • Add percent sign to checkpoint inputs
  • Merge “Info” and “Output” tabs in AutoTest result
  • Fix a bug where multiple submisions of a user could be shown if they had the exact same date.
  • See how CodeGrade can transform your courses today!