
Updates and improvements to CodeGrade.
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September 13, 2019

Version 1.11.11 (JungleJoy.3)

AutoTest and Continuous Feedback are now more reliable and efficient by fixing many small bugs and tweaks in the back-end. Additionally, a diff-viewer is added to the output of IO tests.

  • Add diff view to IO test: Adds a difference viewer to the IO test in AutoTest and Continuous Feedback.
  • Make it possible to use CF after a final run: enable starting Continuous Feedback after an AutoTest run finished.
  • Other improvements

  • Add Test Submissions:
  • makes it possible for teachers to more easily upload test submissions to test Continuous Feedback or Hand in Requirements configurations.
  • Add guide for students:
  • Add a new student guide to the documentation.
  • Remove log pushing functionality: logs were not useful during debugging. This reduces the amount of threads on the machine too.
  • Add more info about the job in the broker panel: adds course name, assignment name and type of job to the internal broker panel.
  • Show failed auto tests as failed: better communicate the output of Capture Points tests. Zero points results in failing, full points in passing and anything in between in a ~.
  • Improve broker panel: adds colors, limits the amount of rendered jobs and runners and adds function to shutdown runner instead of terminating.
  • Improve Assigned to me filter: disables the checkbox entirely for users without submissions and makes manually assigning to oneself more smooth.
  • Improve AutoTest: this makes AutoTest and Continuous Feedback more reliable and efficient:
  • Fix deadlock when starting commands
  • Improve the way command timeouts are handled
  • Add timeouts to all requests to the server
  • Improve handling of multiple submissions
  • Hide assignments without deadline in sidebar top: assignments without deadlines were displayed above assignments with a deadline in the upcoming assignments list. This is reversed now.
  • Fix rubric item deletion bug:
  • fixes the bug where lest rubric items could be removed by accident.
  • Fix by waiting for systemd to be done booting:
  • fixes the rare bug that AutoTest runners would never start.
  • Minor fixes for student submission page: this changes the grade placeholder when no grade is given yet and removes unavailable buttons.
  • Make it possible to go back from group page: adds a back button and clickable assignments to this page.
  • Fix editing feedback in IPython notebook files: fixes the broken line feedback for IPython notebook files.
  • Count the achieved points of capture_points steps in suite percentage: fixes the bug that points for capture points tests were not counted.
  • Fix very long waiting on attach bug.
  • Make sure markdown rendering is he same as in IPython Notebooks.
  • Fix group management loaders in LMS.
  • See how CodeGrade can transform your courses today!