
Updates and improvements to CodeGrade.
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February 7, 2019

Version 1.2.19 (Izanami)

  • Group assignments: With this release we have added group assignments. It is possible to create groups, share them between assignments, and submit as a group. Groups can be given a nice name, that is easily remembered by the TA.
  • Add support for 7zip as archive format
  • Make late submissions stand out: Submissions that have been handed in after the deadline are highlighted in the submissions list.
  • Make it possible to display IPython notebooks: CodeGrade now renders handed in IPython notebooks in the web interface instead of showing a JSON blob. Additionally, markdown files are also rendered. Teachers can place comments in both types of files, as well as on image files now. This also adds a message when a file does not end in a newline character.
  • Other improvements

  • Show message when uploaded file is empty: When a file is empty,
  • it wouldn’t show up at all in the code viewer. This changes it to show a message, indicating that the file is empty.
  • Make the user selector more clear: The user selector now shows a magnifying glass, indicating that the user can type to search for users.
  • Use flatpickr datetime picker instead of native: Date/time inputs have been changed to use a date picker, so users of browsers besides Chromium can now also pleasantly select a date or time.
  • Change icon for user in the sidebar
  • Hide plagiarism providers when there is only one
  • Make sure it is possible to ignore single files: When a student submitted a single file instead of an archive, the student would not be warned that the file was ignored by the assignment’s CGignore file.
  • Make sure confirmations work correctly when submitFunction is used
  • Improve grade viewer: It was not possible to simultaneously submit a change to a rubric and override the grade calculated by the rubric.
  • Various front-end UI fixes
  • Various browser specific UI fixes
  • Transform your coding course today!