
Updates and improvements to CodeGrade.
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April 11, 2022

Version QuietStorm

This release brings the highly anticipated start of the private beta for the CodeGrade Editor! Furthermore, we have improved experience of CodeGrade on Apple devices, and made setting up your unit tests for .NET and PHP even easier.

  • This release marks the start of the private beta for the CodeGrade Editor. This editor allows you to work on your submissions and create them right inside CodeGrade, without having to open any local editor. If you want to join this private beta please contact us.

Other improvements

  • It is now possible to also use the Command key as Ctrl on Macs.
  • We have added custom UI's for setting up xUnit and PHPUnit tests.
  • As always we have also focused on increasing the speed of CodeGrade. This time the route to get all feedback of an assignment has been drastically sped up. Furthermore, the amount of JS/CSS that is needed for the initial page load has also been reduced.
  • Users that create a CodeGrade account outside of their LMS will now receive a welcome email.
  • When CodeGrade detects a time out of sync situation we will now correct the local time used within the application with the detected delta.
  • When editing snippets in Safari on your profile page the modal now correctly is placed in the middle of the screen.
  • CodeGrade should now work better on devices with automatically hiding address bars, such as Safari on iPads.
  • We've fixed some minor typos in the descriptions of the permissions.

    AutoTest software updates
  • The default installed version of R has been upgraded from 4.0.4 to 4.1.3.
  • The default installed version of JUnit5 has been upgraded from 1.6.2 to 1.8.2.
  • The default installed version of Jest has been upgraded from 26.6.1 to 26.6.3.
  • The default installed version of Semgrep has been upgraded from 0.43.0 to 0.86.5.
  • .NET version 6.0 has been added to software that is installed by default.
  • ASP.NET version 6.0 has been added to software that is installed by default.
  • See how CodeGrade can transform your courses today!