
Embracing a New Era: Harnessing Generative AI for Computer Science Education

Discover the transformative impact of Generative AI (Gen AI) on computer science education. Explore innovative tools and methodologies reshaping learning experiences and preparing learners for an AI-centric future. Uncover benefits, challenges, and evolving practices at the intersection of technology and pedagogy.

Learn more about CodeGrade!

Testing the Tests: Autograding student unit tests in Python assignments (using code coverage and mutation testing)

Learn how to use code coverage and mutation testing to autograde pytest unit tests handed in by students for your Python code assignments.

Autograding code structure using CodeGrade and Semgrep

Learn how to automatically detect and grade code structure for Python and Java programming assignments in computer science education

Creating an automatically graded SQL assignment in CodeGrade

Read how we designed and created an autograded SQL (SQLite, MySQL or PostgreSQL) assignment for education

Setting up automated grading for C# with unit testing in CodeGrade

Find out how to automatically grade C# and .NET by using unit testing in CodeGrade. By using the unit test step you can autograde easily with the xUnit framework for C#.

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