
Embracing a New Era: Harnessing Generative AI for Computer Science Education

Discover the transformative impact of Generative AI (Gen AI) on computer science education. Explore innovative tools and methodologies reshaping learning experiences and preparing learners for an AI-centric future. Uncover benefits, challenges, and evolving practices at the intersection of technology and pedagogy.

Learn more about CodeGrade!

How to Check for Plagiarism in C, C++, and C# source code

Simplify plagiarism checks on C-family source code by integrating CodeGrade into your courses.

How to Stop Caring about Grades

Learn to save time with grading with alternative methods for teaching. Make your course accessible and inclusive with methods backed by research.

How to Stop Caring about Grades

Webinar: Autograding Code Structure using Semgrep

Learn how to automatically grade code structure using CodeGrade and Semgrep in this webinar. Next to the basics, we will also go over three examples step by step.

Automatically grading Python assignments that use random variables in CodeGrade

Discover how to grade Python programming assignments that use random integers automatically

Automatically grading students’ Python assignments using pytest unit tests

Pytest is a great tool for automatically grading Python assignments in CodeGrade. We discuss the benefits of unit testing for Python courses, and how pytest can help.

Using NBGrader for Python Jupyter notebooks in CodeGrade

Learn how to autograde Python Jupyter Notebooks using the NBGrader tool in CodeGrade to give your students instant feedback.

Friendly: Better error messages for Python

Regular Python error messages can be discouraging for students learning to code. Learn how you can set up CodeGrade's autograder to give students more easy to understand error messages for your Python course.

Webinar: Grading Jupyter Notebooks

Learn everything about grading Jupyter Notebooks manually and automatically. From theory behind the IPython Notebooks to putting it into practice in CodeGrade for your code assignment.

Webinar: Grading Jupyter Notebooks

Webinar: CS Education researcher Luca Chiodini on Programming Misconceptions

CSEd researcher Luca Chiodini discusses how you can use programming misconception theory to improve your Python course, Java course or JavaScript coding course.

Webinar: Autograding Web Development in CodeGrade

Learn how to effectively autograde web development and databases courses using Selenium, Jest, Mocha, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SQLite, MySQL and CodeGrade for computer science education.

See how CodeGrade can transform your courses today!