CodeGrade Community for academic instructors teaching programming and IT
May 3, 2021

Announcing the Discord CodeGrade Community

We are excited to announce our new Discord CodeGrade Community today! All instructors using CodeGrade are invited to join!

The Discord CodeGrade Community is the new platform for everything CodeGrade. It is a place to meet like-minded computer science instructors from around the globe, ask us your questions about CodeGrade, help other instructors, discuss the latest advances in Computer Science Education and stay up to date on CodeGrade news!

The CodeGrade Discord Community
Start using CodeGrade now to benefit from our growing community!

With the CodeGrade Community, we hope to even further improve our support and consultancy. It is also an easier way for us to communicate to you about new releases and CodeGrade news. Finally, we hope that it becomes a place where you can inspire and help each other!

Discord brings great opportunities for support and consultancy, such as real-time chatting and instant calls. However, our old means of support ( will still be available, and you can expect your replies as quick as always!

Devin Hillenius

Devin Hillenius


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