CodeGrade at SURF Onderwijsdagen 2019
November 7, 2019

CodeGrade at SURF Onderwijsdagen 2019

The CodeGrade team attended the SURF Onderwijsdagen 2019 for the past two days with a booth in the Wacky Learning Space. SURF Onderwijsdagen is all about innovating higher education in the Netherlands with technology, naturally we felt exactly in the right place during these days.

During the Onderwijsdagen, we had the chance to meet new people from Dutch educational institutions and meet some of our current users. Next to that we had the chance to talk to many other innovative EdTech companies and share ideas on improving education. Thanks to everyone stopping by our booth and we are looking forward to working even closer together with the Dutch institutions to keep innovating programming education!

We hope to keep in touch with everyone and hopefully talk again at a next SURF or EdTech event! In two weeks, we will attend MoodleMoot Global 2019 in Barcelona! Let us know if you are there too!

Devin Hillenius

Devin Hillenius


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