CodeGrade at DURBBU and CEP 2020!
January 14, 2020

CodeGrade in Durham for DURBBU 2020 and CEP 2020

In the first week of the new year, the CodeGrade team spent a couple of days in Durham, a beautiful medieval town in the Northeast of England, to talk about innovating computer science education in Blackboard during the Durham Blackboard User Conference (or DURBBU) and to attend the Computing Education Practice conference (or CEP).

We had the pleasure to have a booth at DURBBU and host a talk on innovating computer science education in Blackboard using CodeGrade. It was very interesting meeting a community of passionate educators that want to get the most out of Blackboard and that keep critically improving their educational technologies practices. We believe CodeGrade is a great addition to this already great ecosystem, making a Blackboard Learn or Ultra environment more suitable for modern computer science education.

The last day of our stay we attended CEP to keep up to date with new advances and good practices in computer science education in the United Kingdom. Here we had the pleasure to meet many interesting computer science educators, who inspired us with new insights we will use to continue to improve and expand CodeGrade.

We hope to keep in touch with everyone and hopefully talk again at a next Blackboard or computer science event! An additional thank you to the fantastic organisation of both events and our lovely dinner in the Durham Castle.

Devin Hillenius

Devin Hillenius


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