CodeGrade API for autograding and plagiarism detection
March 12, 2021

Webinar: How to use the CodeGrade API to automate your workflow

In 30 seconds...

  • CodeGrade has an API Python package (see on PyPi here) that can be easily installed using `pip` for quick API scripting.
  • Learn how to use the CodeGrade API to automatically generate reports of students, export data from CodeGrade or automatically manage your CodeGrade and GitHub connection (created together with instructors from the University of Edinburgh).
  • More information on our API can be found in our Python API documentation.

Download webinar resources

During the Using the API webinar, Devin from CodeGrade goes over multiple example scripts that use the CodeGrade API. You can download the three scripts from the video and the slides here.

This download includes:

  • Export Feedback Script: Use this script to export inline comments in any way that you want.
  • Export Student Progress Script: Use this script to export the progress over all submissions done by each individual student.
  • CodeGrade and GitHub automation scripts: Two scripts that allow you to automatically set up student's GitHub repositories and connect them to a CodeGrade assignment automatically.

Download the scripts here!

Start using the most flexible and versatile code grading tool now!

Get more out of the API

The API calls in these scripts are explained in the webinar. This webinar also explains how you can install the CodeGrade Python API package, import it in your script and login to CodeGrade. The two export scripts are very basic examples that will allow you to understand the API and build upon them to create your own useful scripts. Use our Python API documentation here or our general API documentation here to find out about all other useful functions. The GitHub scripts have been developed in collaboration with instructors from the University of Edinburgh and are ready to be used in your course!

Devin Hillenius

Devin Hillenius


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