CodeGrade version Orchid
May 27, 2021

New release CodeGrade Orchid

Our latest release took a little bit longer than you have come to expect from us, but to make up for that it will feature a huge improvement for everyone using automatic grading: our latest version, CodeGrade Orchid, will bring AutoTest caching to CodeGrade.

With the new AutoTest Caching, you can now cache the configuration steps of your AutoTest. In practice this means that even if you have very performance heavy setup scripts, have to install a lot of software or download large data sets, CodeGrade AutoTest will now give instant feedback by caching these steps. Furthermore, iteratively testing your AutoTest configuration has become near instant too. If you have a global setup script with side effects (e.g. you want to pull the latest version of your tests) you can disable caching in your AutoTest configuration. Special thanks to Willemijn Beks for helping us develop a proof of concept for AutoTest Caching.

Want to get started with CodeGrade in your course?

CodeGrade O also brings a large improvement and update to our Filesystem application. Furthermore, we have fixed several minor LTI and UI bugs. To find a full list of all our changes, please check out the full release notes in our changelog here.

Devin Hillenius

Devin Hillenius


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