New release Izanami.1
March 13, 2019

New release Izanami.1

Less than a month after our latest major release Izanami, we have launched our latest minor release: Izanami.1. This release features, along with many smaller UI improvements, a few great additions to CodeGrade.

As per request from multiple teachers using CodeGrade, we have added the functionality to connect grading divisions between assignments and import rubrics from previous assignments. This further decreases the overhead of setting up new CodeGrade assignments.

Additionally, we have released many UI and UX improvements in I.1. Running linters is now more intuitive and raw logs of individual linters can be downloaded. Progress of plagiarism runs is now shown. The buttons on the site have been completely redone, making them more consistent and less error-prone. Finally, we have redesigned some unclear sidebar icons and added a new button to open CodeGrade in a new tab from LTI frames.

In addition to the above changes, a lot of minor updates and fixes to improve current workflows have been done in this release. Read more about Izanami.1 here. We have also prepared our back-end to work with multiple learning management systems (or other LTI providers), expect support for more learning management systems and more exciting features in our next release, I.2, next month!

Devin Hillenius

Devin Hillenius


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