New release JungleJoy
July 24, 2019

New release JungleJoy

The last couple of months have been very busy with the development of one of our most anticipated and comprehensive features: CodeGrade AutoTest. In addition to AutoTest, release JungleJoy features some small fixes and improvements to CodeGrade.

With CodeGrade AutoTest, we have built a comprehensive environment to easily yet flexibly create automatic assessment configurations for your code assignments. Everything can be run directly in our cloud on all students with just one click on the button. What’s more, with CodeGrade AutoTest no feedback is lost compared to manual feedback, as it integrates rubric feedback in the tests.

A comprehensive feature like AutoTest again underlines the importance of elaborate and clear documentation and guides. For release J, we have completely revamped our online documentation by extending it with guides and rewriting the actual documentation. Of course we are still happy to personally help you out with any question you may have.

Finally, we fixed a minor bug in the handling of negative weights and further improved the performance and stability of CodeGrade. Full release notes are available here. Another highly anticipated feature and extension of AutoTest, Continuous Feedback, will be available in our next release JungleJoy.1 next month!

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