New release JungleJoy
August 14, 2019

New release JungleJoy.1

Our developers have been busy to add a new feature to CodeGrade AutoTest: CodeGrade Continuous Feedback. A feature with which students continuously get feedback from the AutoTest environment. In addition to Continuous Feedback, release JungleJoy.1 features a brand new Submission Page, Scala Plagiarism Checking and some small fixes and improvements.

With CodeGrade Continuous Feedback, students can get near-instant automatic feedback. Whenever a student uploads to a Continuous Feedback assignment, the automatic tests will be run immediately and the results will be presented to the students.

To present code, feedback and AutoTest results to the students, we have redesigned the submission page. The overview mode has been deleted, and now you can use tabs to switch between code, feedback overview and AutoTest. Making it easier to navigate and making it easier for your students to view their feedback and learn.

Besides these two big features, our plagiarism checker now includes Scala, so you can check for plagiarism now for all your Scala assignments. At CodeGrade, we’re actively developing the open source JPlag plagiarism checker, so more language support is coming soon.

Finally, we have made some minor improvements and fixes, such as a new all whitespace option to the IO Test in AutoTest, an improved plagiarism export, and the text for delete files button in the hand-in requirements warning dialog has been changed to increase understanding. Full release notes are available here

We can’t wait for the academic year to start, so all our partners can benefit from all the new features in CodeGrade, that have been developed over the summer. Next month we’ll release version JungleJoy.2, which will feature many minor updates. Stay tuned!

Devin Hillenius

Devin Hillenius


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