New release JungleJoy
August 29, 2019

New release JungleJoy.2

In the last two weeks, we have been busy with comprehensive testing and stress-testing of our new features, AutoTest and Continuous Feedback. As a result of this, release JungleJoy.2 features big improvements in our back-end that make AutoTest and Continuous Feedback runs more efficient. It also features many more smaller improvements and bug-fixes.

By improvements and updates in our AutoTest and Continuous Feedback back-end, it is now possible for multiple runners to work together on one run. This makes AutoTest more scalable and more efficient on runs with large sets of students.

With the addition of Continuous Feedback in our previous release, we foresee a significant increase in submissions (students get automatic feedback on every submission they hand in). Some changes to the back- and front-end of the submission and submissions pages were needed to make this work smoothly. This means that now only the latest submissions of students are loaded by default and that we present a new dropdown on the submission page of the student to switch between submissions/attempts of one student.

Finally, JungleJoy.2 fixes many minor and rare bugs and features several tweaks to make CodeGrade totally ready for the start of the new academic year. This includes improvements to the plagiarism side-by-side viewer and the AutoTest setup page. A full overview of all bug fixes and tweaks can be found here.

We can’t wait for the academic year to start, so all our current and new partners can benefit from all the new features in CodeGrade that have been developed over the summer break. Next month we’ll release a new version of CodeGrade, which will again will bring new functionality to CodeGrade. Stay tuned!

Devin Hillenius

Devin Hillenius


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