New release JungleJoy
September 13, 2019

New release JungleJoy.3

We are proud to announce that CodeGrade AutoTest and Continuous Feedback have successfully been in production for the past weeks and have already helped grade many assignments. During these weeks we have closely analysed and monitored usage. This allowed us to make AutoTest and Continuous Feedback more reliable and efficient and fix many small bugs and tweaks in the back-end in release JungleJoy.3.

Another big addition in JungleJoy.3 is the diff-viewer for the IO test results in AutoTest and Continuous Feedback. This difference viewer works together with the options and clearly highlights differences between the student output and the expected output.

In addition to the many small bug fixes and tweaks in the back-end of AutoTest and Continuous Feedback, we also released some tweaks visible to the users. It is now possible to continue to use Continuous Feedback after an AutoTest run finished. Furthermore, teachers can now easily upload Test Submissions to test an Continuous Feedback or Hand-in Requirements configuration and students get better feedback on the output of Capture Points tests.

JungleJoy.3 was dangerously released on a Friday the 13th, so any newly introduced bugs can solely be blamed on this release date. Want to learn more about the bugs it did fix, check out the full release notes here.

We will continue closely monitoring the AutoTest and Continuous Feedback cloud and working together with our partners to further improve CodeGrade. In two weeks we’ll release a new version, which will again further improve current functionality in CodeGrade. Stay tuned!

Devin Hillenius

Devin Hillenius


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