New release JungleJoy.4
October 11, 2019

New release JungleJoy.4

After the extensive use of CodeGrade AutoTest and in collaboration with teachers using AutoTest and Continuous Feedback, we have been able to better integrate AutoTest and Continuous Feedback. Making it easier and more intuitive to use. Besides this, we have fixed and improved many minor things in release JungleJoy.4.

AutoTest now automatically runs on all submissions and all new submissions. You can select whether to make the results visible to students immediately (which is Continuous Feedback) or only after the assignment is set to “Done”. If you have hidden tests, AutoTest will automatically rerun within 30 minutes after the deadline. If you don’t have hidden tests, the rubric will be filled in immediately as well. This means you never have to first turn on Continuous Feedback and then only run AutoTest after the deadline. It now all automatically just works, improving your workflow!

We have also improved the scrolling on the submission list page, making sure the upload field is always visible. The Code Viewer has also become way faster and can handle extra large files much better. Besides this, we’ve fixed many minor things. Check out the full release notes here.

Next release, we’ll add an extra AutoTest rubric mode, making it easier to integrate the rubric with your AutoTest. Stay tuned!

Devin Hillenius

Devin Hillenius


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