CodeGrade version Knoet
November 27, 2019

New release Knoet

We’re very excited to announce a new major release: Knoet. This release now makes it possible to hand in via GitHub or GitLab, making it possible to get Continuous Feedback after every push. We’ve also added the possibility to write files from AutoTest to the Code Viewer, making it possible to, for example, run Jupyter Notebooks and aid manual grading.

You can activate Git submissions easily via the Assignment Management Page. After that students will get instructions on how to set up a webhook in either GitHub or GitLab. Once configured, students will get a new submission after every push.

Besides Git submissions and the AutoTest output directory, we’ve added plagiarism detection for Jupyter Notebooks, JavaScript, C# and R and did a lot of minor updates. Check out the full release notes here.

Next release, we’ll update the AutoTest rubric connection and release a completely new design of the hand in page for students, making it much simpler and cleaner. Stay tuned!

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