CodeGrade version Knoet.1
December 24, 2019

New release Knoet.1

Just before Christmas, we’re excited to announce a new release: Knoet.1. This release features a complete redesign of the hand in page for students, making it much simpler and easier to use. Besides that, you can now import AutoTest configurations and the ESLint linter is available now.

New Hand In Page

The new hand in page, which you can see on the picture above, features a few simple buttons for students to click, making it much simpler and clearer to use.

Another much requested feature we added is the possibility to import AutoTest configurations. Simply select a previous configuration in the dropdown on the AutoTest page.

For all other minor fixes, please check out the full release notes here.

At the end of January we’ll do our next release, adding a Continuous Rubric category, among other things. From the entire CodeGrade Team, we wish you a Happy New Year. May the New Year bring you energy and excitement to keep providing and improving your education.

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