CodeGrade version LowVoltage
April 16, 2020

New release LowVoltage

We hope you are safe and well during these stressful and uncertain times. To give something back, our developers have worked overtime for the past weeks to bring to you CodeGrade’s latest version LowVoltage, with features aimed to help you with distance learning.

CodeGrade L may be our most feature-rich release thus far, bringing three brand new features to CodeGrade. First, the beta version of our Analytics Dashboard, which will give you detailed insight into your student performance and assessment. Assignment Analytics are available for every assignment (also old ones) on the submissions list page.

On top of that, we have added Inline Discussions. This is reply functionality to our inline feedback, which allows you to discuss feedback with students, something that is much needed in times of distance learning. For new courses, this is turned on by default. For existing ones, you can turn it on by going to the permissions page and searching for “reply”.

Finally, we have added functionality to email students right from within CodeGrade. For all changes, please check out the full release notes here.

Devin Hillenius

Devin Hillenius


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