CodeGrade version LowVoltage.1
June 10, 2020

New release LowVoltage.1

We're very happy to announce our latest release LowVoltage.1, which features our long in development upgrade to LTI 1.3 Advantage! In addition, it brings many small updates to make your life easier in CodeGrade.

As a direct result of our Focus Group on Analytics in CodeGrade, we implemented the Course Feedback Overview Tab. This tab will be available to both teachers and students and gives very clear insight in a students' feedback and grades on all assignments of the current course.

On top of that, we have added many minor updates to make CodeGrade even more versatile. It is now possible to export your plagiarism cases in the Microsoft Word .docx format. Furthermore, we've added submission information in AutoTest to open up a whole range of possibilities, for instance making it possible to now automatically give a penalty to late days.

Last but not least, we updated CodeGrade to the latest LTI version to ensure a safe and optimal integration with your LMS. If you're using LTI integration, we'll be contacting your system administrators over the summer to add this new LTI integration to your Learning Management System.

For all changes, please check out the full release notes here.

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