CodeGrade version Mosaic
July 22, 2020

New release Mosaic

We're very happy to announce our new release, version M (Mosaic), which brings one of our most anticipated features to CodeGrade: Peer Feedback. In addition to that, CodeGrade M brings many updates to AutoTest and minor improvements.

We are finally bringing Peer Feedback to CodeGrade, a feature wished for by many of you. When you turn on Peer Feedback for your assignment, you assign students to give feedback to their peers. This works together beautifully with our inline comments. As a teacher, you can accept or decline peer feedback and grade students for the feedback they have given. Peer Feedback allows students to learn from each other and critically evaluate each other's code.

In addition to Peer Feedback, we have added a Unit Test step to AutoTest. This new AutoTest step type supports all testing frameworks that can output their results in the JUnit XML format (most frameworks can do this). The results are shown to the student in an intuitive overview, collapsing all individual tests. In the coming weeks, we'll be releasing wrapper scripts for the most used unit testing frameworks, which you can easily use in combination with this step.

Next to this, we have made some minor improvements to AutoTest, allowing you now to run AutoTest on Teacher Revisions, perform a rerun on a single submission and upload as Test Student also when the assignment does not yet have a deadline set for easier testing.

CodeGrade M brings some more minor fixes and updates. For all our changes, please check out the full release notes here.

Devin Hillenius

Devin Hillenius


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