CodeGrade version Mosaic.2
October 22, 2020

New release Mosaic.2

In our upcoming releases, we will be working hard to further improve the current experience of CodeGrade even more. This release, CodeGrade Mosaic.2, is our start with that. It brings some huge improvements to our user interface and updates to our back end that will keep CodeGrade future proof.

The largest improvement to our user experience is our new rubric editor. With this makeover, you can now view multiple categories at the same time, reorder and duplicate categories and you can use markdown in both the category and item descriptions!

Another big improvement is moving our linters to our reliable and flexible AutoTest platform. Here you will now be able to find the new Code Quality Step, which will allow you to run any linter in CodeGrade and highlight lines of code with linter errors!

We have made many various improvement to CodeGrade and your experience with our system, for instance completely revamping our API documentation (find it here: and adding color output to Jupyter Notebooks. To find a full list of all our changes, please check out the full release notes in our changelog here.

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