CodeGrade version Mosaic.3
November 26, 2020

New release Mosaic.3 and Help Center

Our latest release may be a little less feature-packed as you have come to expect from us, but instead features a lot of small improvements and back end preparations for our server migration which will take place on 28 and 29 December 2020. Furthermore, release CodeGrade Mosaic.3 features a complete upgrade of our online Help Center and documentation.

We have spent a lot of time and effort into updating our documentation and help center and are proud to announce our brand new Help Center at! This new Help Center has many new guides, gives an overview of all our video tutorials and is way more user friendly. Aimed for teachers, graders and students using CodeGrade, so be sure to share the new link with your colleagues and students!

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Furthermore, in our app, It is now possible to run Code Quality steps with fixtures copied to the student folder, this would give an error before. Furthermore, we have updated our Git integration to look for the main branch by default if no branch is specified.

Finally, this update brings some updated error messages and minor UI updates that will make CodeGrade easier and nicer to use. To find a full list of all our changes, please check out the full release notes in our changelog here.

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