CodeGrade version Nobel.1
January 28, 2021

New release Nobel.1 and successful server migration

After months of hard work from our talented development team, we have successfully migrated our server infrastructure late last year. This migration opens the door for exciting new future features, that would not have been possible in our original infrastructure. Additionally, and most importantly, our new auto-scaling infrastructure makes CodeGrade ready for the future by significantly increasing our reliability, availability and speed!

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In our latest release, CodeGrade Nobel.1, we have further made back-end improvements to accommodate our server migration. In addition to that, CodeGrade N.1 will feature exciting improvements to our AutoTest UX for both students and teachers!

In AutoTest, it is now possible to more accurately give feedback to students automatically by customizing descriptions of your test steps. See our guide on how to do that. Next to this, it is now easier to manage your fixtures by allowing you to overwrite duplicates automatically. Finally, the AutoTest output folder now automatically expands for your convenience.

Next to these updates, CodeGrade N.1 brings some minor bug fixes and improvements. To find a full list of all our changes, please check out the full release notes in our changelog here.

Devin Hillenius

Devin Hillenius


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