CodeGrade guides for computer science education
August 26, 2021

New YouTube series: CodeGrade Basics

With the start of the new academic year, we are excited to see that so many new instructors are starting to use CodeGrade for the first time in their courses. From introductory programming courses to advanced subjects, and from manual feedback to fully automatic grading: CodeGrade is here to help offer the best experience to teachers and students.

To help you get up to speed with CodeGrade as quickly and effortlessly as possible, we would like to introduce our latest YouTube webinar series: CodeGrade Basics. In short and simple videos, Product Expert and one of CodeGrade's founders Devin Hillenius explains you everything you need to know for your first assignments in CodeGrade.

Setting up your first autograded code assignment

The first step to mastering CodeGrade is setting up your first assignment. There are a couple of essential components covered in the videos: submission settings, hand in requirements, rubrics and the AutoTest. The videos will go over the two most common languages in CS education: Python and Java. Additionally, we also show how you can convert your Python assignment to a Jupyter Notebook assignment!

How to set up an autograded Java Assignment in CodeGrade

How to set up an autograded Python Assignment in CodeGrade

How to set up an autograded Jupyter Notebook Assignment in CodeGrade

Start autograding your code assignments using CodeGrade!

Understanding Assignment States and Deadlines

One of the key things to master in CodeGrade are assignment states and deadlines. With these settings, you can determine when your students are allowed to hand in and when your students see their grades and feedback. As we explained in the tutorial, combining these two settings allows for very powerful grading workflows in CodeGrade.

Managing your course, enrolment and permissions

The last settings we discuss are the CodeGrade settings on a course level. For most basic assignments, the default course settings are sufficient, but it is very good to understand what they can do for you: understanding CodeGrade's roles and permissions system allows you to set up your course exactly how you want to.

Grading and giving feedback in CodeGrade

Finally, Devin discusses how you can give feedback and grades inside CodeGrade. Whereas CodeGrade offers powerful tools for autograding, many instructors still like to give manual feedback to some assignments in their course. This webinar will show you the most basic grading workflow in CodeGrade.

Want to learn more or have any questions?

At CodeGrade we believe in providing the best possible support and consultancy to teachers, so you can actually start focussing on teaching again. This new CodeGrade Basics series is one of our many efforts to make your CodeGrade experience as smooth as possible. Next to this, you can learn more about CodeGrade in our monthly webinars, in our many expert guides and blogs and of course our extensive Help Center and Documentation:

Finally, we are also always available for personal support. After your initial personal onboarding, we are always available to help you out via or our Discord CodeGrade Community. You can also always request a 1-on-1 call with us for further support or technical and educational consultancy.

Good luck on your CodeGrade journey!

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Watch Now: Mastering Java with Automatic Grading

Learn how to automatically grade Java assignments with efficiency and ease at our latest webinar.

How to automatically grade Java

Discover how to autograde Java assignments in CodeGrade with I/O tests, JUnit5, and code style checks for seamless feedback

Join our next webinar on Java autograding!

Learn how to automatically grade Java assignments and streamline your teaching with CodeGrade.

Best Practices for Rubric Design in Coding Assignments

Discover best practices for rubric design in coding education. Learn to align rubrics with learning objectives, use automated tests, and explore ungrading for fairer, growth-focused assessments

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