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Code Assessment

Innovating assessment at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas!

UNLV's Computer Science program uses CodeGrade to streamline grading and boost student success through automation and personalized feedback

Get your programming assignments ready for the upcoming academic year!

Prepare your programming course for the new academic year with our comprehensive guide on designing effective assessments and integrating autograding. Enhance student engagement and optimize learning outcomes with practical tips for assignments, projects, and exams.

How to Check for Plagiarism in C, C++, and C# source code

Simplify plagiarism checks on C-family source code by integrating CodeGrade into your courses.

How to Stop Caring about Grades

Learn to save time with grading with alternative methods for teaching. Make your course accessible and inclusive with methods backed by research.

Coding Quizzes are here!

Discover the latest addition to CodeGrade: coding quizzes! Elevate your learning experience with dynamic assessments seamlessly integrated with AutoTest V2. Engaging, clear, and user-friendly. Learn more now!

CodeGrade Announces Partnership with Pearson to Transform Coding Education

Today, CodeGrade announced a partnership with Pearson to deliver an enhanced technology for educators to better serve students.

The Importance of Engagement in Your Introductory Programming Course

Unlock the significance of crafting engaging introductory programming classes to captivate learners' attention and inspire active participation. Explore how active learning techniques elevate comprehension and knowledge retention.

Coming Soon: Coding Quizzes

Implement Coding Quizzes to cultivate a dynamic and interactive learning experience. This versatile feature not only offers learners diverse pathways to skill development but also ensures a streamlined and efficient grading process for educators.

How to Check for Plagiarism in Java Source Code

Enhance coding education with CodeGrade's seamless plagiarism detection and a suite of comprehensive tools for educators and learners!

Get the most out of AutoTest V2 with the hidden CG command

Employ the versatile 'cg' commands to personalize your grading approach and deliver insightful, customized feedback to your learners. Elevate your coding pedagogy by guaranteeing that your feedback is both effective and uniform, enhancing the overall learning experience.

Learn more about CodeGrade!

Schedule a personalized tour of CodeGrade today.